Здравейте, Приказни!
"Розовия Окномври" е кампаниця посветена на превенцията и борбата
срещу рака на гърдата!
Незабравяйте да отделите време и да направите ежегоден преглед!
Хвант на време рака на гърдата е напълно лечим!
Бъдете смели!
Бъдете смели!
The Pink October campaign is here!
Pink October is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure.
If caught in time the cancer is completely curable!
Be brave!
If caught in time the cancer is completely curable!
Be brave!